Territorial election commission
of Jizzakh region


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The next meeting of the Jizzakh Regional Election Commission was held.




The meeting discussed the review of the relevant documents of political parties, the registration of their authorized representatives, and the issuance of registration mandates to them.


The meeting was chaired by Shavkat Sharipov, Chairman of the Regional Election Commission.



Dilshod Oralov, Secretary of the HSK of Jizzakh region, provided information on the agenda item.

It was noted that the leaders of political parties operating in our region appointed their authorized representatives and, for the first time, applied to the HSK of Jizzakh region through the “Ye-election” information system.



During the meeting, the documents of authorized representatives recommended by the leaders of the Tadbirkorlar va Ishbilarmonlar Harakati – Uzbekistan Liberal-Democratic Party, Uzbekistan “Adolat” Social-Democratic Party, Uzbekistan People's Democratic Party, Uzbekistan “National Revival” Democratic Party, and Uzbekistan Ecological Party regional branches were reviewed, and a decision was made on the registration of authorized representatives and the issuance of the designated mandate to them.

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